
  • 留学专业
  • 2025年02月27日
  • 2023全年活动一览,欠自己的旅行,探索自然之美,该出发了!推荐:人生必体验!2023年夏季青海湖骑行;推荐:青海湖徒步转湖-青海湖茶卡盐湖轻徒步66公里;推荐:朝圣梅里,徒步雨崩——与冬天的梅里来一场最壮观的雪山之约 昨日,记者从拉萨市农牧局了解到,为保护拉萨河主要经济价值高的鱼类,同时也为了拉萨河乃至整个地区渔业资源能够实现可持续发展。8月15日起,拉萨所有河段开始实施全面禁渔。






樊亚刚表示,从8月15日起,一切形式(包括炸鱼、毒鱼、电鱼、网鱼和垂钓)捕捞野生fish in the Lhasa River and its tributaries, lakes, nature reserves, wetland protection areas and parks are strictly prohibited. The measures aim to protect the dwindling fish populations of the Lhasa River and ensure a sustainable future for the region's fisheries.

While recreational fishing is not allowed within designated river segments during this period, citizens can still enjoy fishing at designated fishponds as long as they only catch self-raised fish species.

The Regulations on Protection of Wild Fish in Lhasa City stipulate that all riverside areas under the jurisdiction of Lhasa City shall be subject to comprehensive prohibition on wild fish capture by means such as dynamite fishing, poison baiting, electrofishing, netting or angling. Violations may result in confiscation of equipment used for illegal fishing activities and fines ranging from 200 yuan to 1,000 yuan; severe cases could incur additional penalties up to 10 times the fine amount; while extremely serious offenses might attract criminal charges with penalties reaching up to 30 thousand yuan.
