华人在美主要居住地,加州的华裔人口有110多万人,占总华裔人口的36.9%,纽约州华裔人口为50多万人,占16.9%。美国最多分布于新泽西州,有13万多人,占4.4%;德州有12万多人,占4.2%;马萨诸塞州有11万多人,占3.8%;伊利诺斯州有近10万人,占3.3%;华盛顿州有8万多人,占2.8%;宾夕法尼亚州有7万多人,占2.5%;马里兰-state>6want to have a good time, they can go to the nearby mountains and deserts for hiking and camping activities.
The article also highlights the cultural diversity of these cities, with many Asian restaurants, Chinese schools, and cultural events available for the Chinese community.
In conclusion, these ten cities are not only suitable for living but also offer a vibrant Chinese culture that makes them an ideal choice for Chinese immigrants in America.
Here is the list of top 10 cities:
1.Los Angeles
2.Irvine/Newport Beach
3.San Francisco
4.San Diego
5.San Jose/Silicon Valley
6.Seattle/Washington state
7.New York City/New York state