
  • 澳洲留学
  • 2024年12月19日
  • 沪江专访:昆士兰大学接受高考成绩,开启新篇章 【前言】5月21日,澳大利亚八大之一——昆士兰大学宣布,从2014年起大批本科专业将开始接受中国高考成绩。沪江网记者为此采访了昆士兰大学国际部中国区经理Lee Henshaw先生,对计划使用高考成绩申请昆士兰大学的同学提出了建议和期待。 昆士兰大学,以其卓越的学术成就和研究实力,在全球范围内享有盛誉。它不仅是澳大利亚八大名校创始者之一



【前言】5月21日,澳大利亚八大之一——昆士兰大学宣布,从2014年起大批本科专业将开始接受中国高考成绩。沪江网记者为此采访了昆士兰大学国际部中国区经理Lee Henshaw先生,对计划使用高考成绩申请昆士兰大学的同学提出了建议和期待。

昆士兰大学,以其卓越的学术成就和研究实力,在全球范围内享有盛誉。它不仅是澳大利亚八大名校创始者之一,也是UNIVERSITAS 21的唯一三所成员之一,并且在多个领域拥有“世界级”科研成果。在QS世界大学排名中,昆士兰大学连续多年位列全球前50强,而在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中,它更是稳居全球前70强。


As a University ranked consistently in the top 3 Universities in Australia UQ is proud to announce its decision to accept the GaoKao for a large number of its Undergraduate programs from 2014. The decision was made this year after a number of reviews indicated the acceptance of the Gao Kao would benefit both Chinese students who in the past could not enter and also attract top quality Chinese students to The University.

UQ recognize Chinese students as having a strong academic ability, particularly in theoretical subjects such as Maths and Sciences. As China’s National University entrance exam, UQ recognize the Gao Kao testing system as one worthy to accept Chinese students for direct entry into UQ Bachelor programs providing they achieve the required scores. These entrance requirements are different for individual programs.

The student still has an opportunity even if their scores are not enough, they can apply for other universities or colleges that may have lower admission standards or consider taking additional courses like English language proficiency test or foundation program before applying again.


With this new policy, more opportunities will be opened up for ambitious and talented high school graduates from China who wish to study abroad at one of Australia's leading universities. By leveraging their strengths in theoretical subjects like maths and sciences, these aspiring scholars will now have access to world-class education without facing unnecessary barriers.

However, it is essential that prospective international students carefully research their options and choose institutions that align with their career goals and aspirations. With thorough preparation and strategic planning, there is no limit to what these bright minds can achieve on their path towards success.
