
  • 英国留学
  • 2025年02月20日
  • 独自旅行与户外徒步爱好者游侠的世界观察:大西北环线上的G315国道之旅 在这次大西北环线的第三天,我将踏上行驶于中国最美国道之一,体验那荒凉与孤独,以及延伸至天际的U型网红公路。而此日更是安排了一场徒步探索青海版马尔代夫——东台吉乃尔湖,感受乌素特水上雅丹,那一边蓝一边绿的西台吉乃尔湖。 我提前告知家人和朋友,因为沿途除了靠近景区和加油站的地方,一路基本是没有信号。在茫茫戈壁中







虽然风景很美,但是很难拍照。如果正对着 湖水拍,就没有任何线条美感,要想沿着湖岸拍,就挤满了人群。不过,如果你愿意多走几步,就能超过90%的人,而我整整走了半个多小时。

lake water's color changes with the light and distance, near shore is clear and transparent, gradually turns to green, blue from near to far. The beach formed by salt deposits on the lake shore is natural and romantic, looking fine but actually hard.

I walked along the lake for half an hour more, at a place where three sides are surrounded by water, I stopped for a while before deciding to head back. Today's itinerary was tight; we still had to visit Usumati Water Sand Yard and Xitai Lake in the evening before reaching Mangya for accommodation.

Sometimes you feel people are too many and noisy; sometimes you think the scenery isn't beautiful enough. It's just that not many people are willing to walk under scorching sun in this vast desert landscape. So as long as one walks a little further than others do, they will have their own unique experience of nature.

As I looked back upon my journey on this day of exploration along G315 National Highway in northwest China’s Qinghai Province—facing both solitude and grandeur—and experienced first-hand the ethereal beauty of East Taijinyu Lake (East Taijinyu Saltwater Lake), which has been dubbed "the Maldives of Qinghai," I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that there is so much yet left undiscovered within our vast country.

This article originally appeared on WeChat public account "Wanderer’s World."
