1、美国的医院类别在说健康保险前,不得不提一下美国的医疗制度和如何在美国看病。美国的医疗分为截然不同的两种,一种是公立医院,一种是私立医院。私立医院分为两种,一种是非营利性但不属于政府的,这类医院主要是各种慈善机构等组织成立的,作为对公立医院的补充。另外一种则是盈利性私立医院,这类医院收费较高,但水平一般很高,以专科医院为多。在私立医院工作的医生,一般薪水很高。公立 hospitals基本满足 美国低收入阶层 的最低保障,私立 hospitals除了提供 美国公民 基本医疗服务以外,还提供比较高端 的 医疗服务。两者配合,形成了 美国整体 医疗制度。在 美国,有着 些许差异,即便有所不同,但总体而言,它们都是为了患者获得更好治疗而设定的。
2、 在谈及到支付方式上,我们需要知道的是,那些没有买健康保险的人,也不是说就不能看病。遇到大病重病急诊,每个城市的大型急诊部门必须接受,并且必须治疗。这一点对于每个人来说都是一份安心与安全。而那些无法承担巨额费用的人,可以通过预约门诊治或社区中心寻求帮助。此外,如果确实没钱,可申请救济或援助,而这些钱并不是由 hospital 承担,而是在一定程度上由政府支持。这意味着即使经济困难,也能得到应有的治疗。
3、American hospitals have the power to diagnose but not sell drugs. In other words, hospitals only diagnose, while patients buy medicine at separate pharmacies. Medical care is completely separated from pharmaceuticals, so it's impossible to talk about "pharmaceuticals supporting medical care," and this saves on middlemen's medical expenses. American doctors are well-paid in their profession. Being a doctor in the United States is considered one of the most difficult professions in the country.
A U.S. doctor must spend at least ten years studying after entering college before becoming an independent practitioner. This period includes numerous exams that students take out loans for - $30,000 is common among them. Even after becoming a doctor, they must participate in regular exams that are extremely strict; failing these exams would result in losing their license as a doctor.
The competition among doctors is fierce; those who don't have merit will find it hard to survive in this field. Due to high barriers of entry, there aren't many doctors in the United States - just over 800,000 nationwide.
Despite being few in number, American doctors earn much more than average citizens' salaries - some private hospital physicians even earn over $300k per year! If banned from practicing medicine (which means losing basic survival skills), no one would risk getting caught for pocketing small amounts of money when they could lose their lucrative lifelong career instead.
The supervision mechanism is also very complete; once a physician receives large sums of money from patients, it's hard to avoid monitoring systems like bank accounts being supervised by banks where every transaction can be traced back and monitored by financial institutions if necessary.
4、How do you go see a doctor? All American Hospitals follow an appointment system with each physician seeing only a limited number of patients per day providing thorough diagnoses and treatments.
American healthcare excels even at rural levels or what Americans call family practice clinics.
In America no matter how remote or urbanized your location may be you'll always have access to family practitioners within walking distance
These Family Practitioners usually specialize as primary care physicians diagnosing and treating routine ailments.
If they cannot cure something themselves
they send you off to specialized clinics or major hospitals for further treatment
Family Practitioners generally stay near patient homes so people can receive medical attention right outside their doorsteps without needing long journeys elsewhere.
Don't assume that Family Physicians lack skill either.
They're actually quite skilled professionals who undergo rigorous training like any other specialist.
Out of America's 80+ million registered Doctors around 60+ million are Family Physicians which makes them backbone forces behind US Medicine though earning less than specialists.
So now let us know whether we really understand America’s Healthcare System enough? Let us ensure our time abroad stays worry-free!