
  • 英国留学
  • 2024年12月19日
  • 在海外生活的移民和留学生,来到美国后,最关注的一定是就医相关的问题,不仅因为美国的医疗费非常高昂,更因为不了解美国的医疗体系和专业词汇,一旦生病,如果没有经验会出现意想不到的情况。在奥巴马执政期间曾制定了Obamacare的规定,而川普就任后,在国会演讲时呼吁国会废除和替代奥巴马医保方案,进行医保改革以扩大选择,增加可接入性,降低成本,同时提供更好的医保方案。 1、美国医院类别与健康保险前




2、American Medical System

American hospitals have the right to treat and diagnose, but not to sell drugs. That is, the hospital only diagnoses, while patients buy drugs at a separate pharmacy. The medical industry is completely separated from medicine so there's no talk of "pharmaceuticals supporting medicine" or reducing middlemen costs in America.

3、How to see a doctor in America

All American hospitals operate on an appointment system; one doctor sees only a few patients each day, and every patient enjoys comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. America does its best rural healthcare - family doctors.

In America, regardless of whether it's rural or urban areas, every household has a family doctor who takes care of their community. These family doctors are usually general practitioners who can diagnose and treat basic common ailments; if patients encounter diseases they cannot handle themselves, they will send them to specialized hospitals or large ones for further treatment.

Family doctors are generally located near their patients' homes so that people can get treated at home without having to go far away. If you think family doctors' skills are low just because they're local, that's too hasty! In fact American family doctors have good skills; they're the backbone of American medicine as well as receiving strict medical training.

Of all 80 million+ physicians in the United States (the total number), over 60 million are primary care physicians like these family doctors though their income is less than other specialties.

4、The supervision mechanism in America is very complete: once a doctor receives large sums of money from patients it's difficult to escape monitoring. Cash transactions are extremely rare in America; most payments come through bank transfers or card swipes which account for most medical professionals’ income with surveillance being conducted by banks on each transaction’s origin with high-value transactions traceable even against individual records affecting one person’s credit history.

5、If banned from practicing as a physician it would mean losing one’s fundamental living skill even if switching careers wouldn’t be quick enough either so no one wants risking such high-paying lifetime jobs for small cash handouts.

6、America has something called “Medical Integrity Records.” Doctors with bad reputations will be blacklisted by the entire country’s Medical Association whereupon any hospital within the US won't hire them.

7., Family Doctor System

In this part we discuss how Americans approach health insurance before talking about US healthcare system &&amp&ampampa
