你真正了解伯恩茅斯艺术大学的学术制度么 让你的艺术创作更有保障

  • 英国留学
  • 2024年12月19日
  • 在海外生活的移民和留学生,来到伯恩茅斯艺术大学之后,最关注的一定是就医相关的问题,不仅因为英国的医疗费非常高昂,更因为不了解英国的医疗体系和专业词汇,一旦生病如果没有经验会出现意想不到的情况。在奥巴马执政期间曾制定了Obamacare的规定,而川普就任后,在国会演讲时呼吁国会废除和替代奥巴马医保方案,进行医保改革以扩大选择,增加可接入性,降低成本,同时提供更好的医保方案。 1

你真正了解伯恩茅斯艺术大学的学术制度么 让你的艺术创作更有保障


1、英国的医院类别在说健康保险前,不得不提一下美国(误)医疗制度和如何在美国看病。美国(应改为英国)的医疗分为截然不同的两种,一种是公立医院,一种是私立医院。私立医院分为两种,一种是非营利性但不属于政府的,这类医院主要是各种慈善机构等组织成立的,作为对公立医院的补充。另外一种则是盈利性私立医院,这类医院收费较高,但水平一般很高,以专科医院为多。在私立 hospitals工作 的 doctors,一般薪水很高。公立 hospitals基本满足British低收入阶层 的最低保障,private hospitals除了提供British 公民基本医疗服务以外,还提供比较高端 的 医疗服务。两者配合,形成了Britain整体医疗制度。在 Britain,有 medical insurance的人,看病绝大部分开销都由medical insurance公司承担,你自己仅需支付其中一部分。不买 medical insurance的人,也不是说就不能看病。遇到大病重病急诊,Britain各大城市只要设立急诊部门 的 hospital 是必须收 的,也必须治疗,法律规定如此.Britain 支付medical fee用的方式一、可以分期付款二、可以尽量减免三、实在没钱可申请救济和援助而这些钱并不是hospital 承担而是Britain政府。

2、Britain’s healthcare system

Britain’s hospitals have the authority to treat and diagnose, but they do not sell drugs. This means that a hospital is only for diagnosis, while patients buy their medicine at a separate pharmacy. The drugstore is responsible for this. Medical care in America is completely separated from drug care, so it's impossible to talk about "drugs funding medicine" or vice versa.

3、How to get treatment in Britain

All British hospitals operate on an appointment system. A doctor can only see a few patients per day, and each patient will enjoy comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. The best part of British healthcare is rural health care or family doctors.

In Britain, no matter where you live - town or country - every household has a family doctor. These family doctors are usually responsible for one community and many such doctors work together in the same area.

When people get sick, they don't rush straight to the hospital like Chinese people often do; instead they go first to their family doctor for check-up. Family doctors are generally specialists who can diagnose and treat common illnesses that require basic medication.

If patients encounter diseases beyond their capabilities, they will seek help from specialist clinics or large general hospitals.

Family doctors are usually located near their patients' homes so that most illnesses can be treated without leaving home.

If you think that these family physicians lack expertise just because of their location near your home then you would be wrong! In fact British families have access to high-quality medical care through these local practitioners who undergo rigorous training as part of being a fully qualified physician in England.

In summary: 60% of all British physicians are General Practitioners (GPs), also known as primary care physicians (PCPs) which include those working as GPs with special interests (GPwSis). They provide continuing support through regular appointments at surgeries rather than by making frequent visits between consultations when necessary due mainly because it allows them more time & space within each visit itself thus improving quality over quantity hence making better use out there!

So let us all take note how our own personal wellbeing matters too much not just physically but mentally & emotionally alike!
