

1. Lodon School of Economics and Political Science 伦敦经济学院MSc Finance(金融)MSc Accounting and Finance(会计金融)MSc Finance and Economics(经济金融)MSc Finance and Private Equity(金融和私募股权)MSc Risk Finance(风险与金融)MSc Statistics (Financial Statistics)(统计学(金融统计))MSc Financial Mathematics(金融数学) 2. London Business School 伦敦商学院 MSc Finance(金融)MSc Finance Analysis(金融分析) 3. The University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学 MSc Accounting and Finance(会计金融)MSc Development Finance(金融发展)MSc Finance(金融)MSc Finance and Business Economics(金融和商业经济)MSc Mathematical Finance(金融数学)MSc Quantitative Finance(计量金融学) 4. University of Warwick 华威大学 MSc Accounting and Finance(会计金融)MSc Business (Financial Management)MSc Finance(金融)MSc Finance Economics(财经)MSc Mathematics and Finance(金融数学)MSc Financial Mathematics (金融数学)MSc Finance and Behavioural Science(财政部和行为科学)MSc Finance with Behavioural Science(财务及行为科学)MSc Information Technology for Finance(财务及信息技术) 5. The University of Edingurgh 爱丁堡大学 MSc Accounting and Finance(会计与金融)MSc Banking Risk(银行及风险)MSc Carbon Finance(碳融资)MSc Energy Finance Market(能源金融市场)MSc Finance Ivestment(金融及投资)MSc Financial Management(金融管理)MSc Financial Mathematics(金融数学)MSc Financial Modelling Optimization(金融建模与优化)MSc Financial Operational Research(金融运筹学) 6. Imperial College London 帝国理工学院 MSc Climate Change, Management and Finance(气候变化,财务与管理)MSc Finance(金融)MSc Finance and Accounting(金融会计)MSc Investment and Wealth Management (投资理财)MSc Mathematics and Finance(金融数学)MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering(风险管理与金融工程)MSc Accounting, Accountability Financial Management(会计,责任与财务管理)MSc Banking Finance(银行与金融) 看完了小编的介绍,想读金融学专业的小伙伴们对学校选择这块应该不那么陌生了吧,以上学校有没有你想读的呢?
