

欢迎访问启德教育美国留学欢迎咨询启德教育留学顾问 学生背景: Name:Y同学 School:Local Chinese High School w/International Division 学校:中国本土高中/国际部 Accepted School:Emory University 录取学校:埃默里大学 GPA: ~3.7 AP Courses: N/A TOEFL: 99 SAT: 2050 SAT II Math 2C: 760 SAT II数学2C:760 SAT II Chemistry: 790 SAT II化学:790 Activities:活动: Boston University Summer Challenge 波士顿大学夏季挑战班 DJ Club Guest DJ DJ俱乐部 客串DJ Bifrost Polar Club Member 彩虹桥极地俱乐部成员 “Secret to Becoming International Artists” Co-Host “成为国家艺术家的秘诀”联合主办 Blackboard Designer Commissary 黑板设计师委员 Han Fu Club Vice President 汉服俱乐部 Tomorrow’s Stars Event Coordinator 明日之星竞赛协调人 Extreme Sports Club Member 极限运动俱乐部成员 Community Service:社区服务 Me to We Service Trip Participant Me to We服务旅行参与者 Awards and Honors:获奖及荣誉 2nd Place FLTRP Cup Creative Writing Competition 外研社杯写作大赛二等奖 3rd Place XinZhi Cup Chinese Creating Writing Competition XinZhi杯中国写作大赛三等奖 1st Place “Swan Lake of My Heart” Painting Competition “我心中的天鹅湖”绘画大赛一等奖 导师点评: YZ is unequivocally one of our greatest success cases; in fact, we consider her to be the Prestige Only mascot because of how she embodies the success of our philosophy - Teaching Lifelong Success. YZ是我们最成功的一个案例,事实上,我们把她看成是PO的代表,因为她充分展现了我们的宗旨——教育成就一生。 Y is hands down one of the most diligent students we have ever come across. She took to heart the value of her education and the sacrifices her parents and others in her familial and social circles make to put her in the best position to succeed. Y is wildly curious and is an undying perfectionist. Y同学是我们这最刻苦的学生。她深知自己的成功与她所受的教育和家人朋友的奉献密不可分。Y同学有着很强的好奇心的同时做事又一丝不苟尽善尽美。 Attending a local school at which extracurricular activities take an extreme backseat to preparing for state-mandated exams, Y was torn in many different directions all at once—would she quit her passions of painting and piano in favor of a tunnel-vision approach to test preparation? Understanding the importance of maintaining a well-balanaced profile, PO coached Y through approaches to effective time management such that she would have space and time for all of her obligations and her pastimes. This preliminary effort had a more than positive effect on her later high work ethic when college application season approached. Moreover, the care that Ys Senior Consultant demonstrated for Y was seen in her increased happiness and well being, provided by the balance that she fought so hard to achieve. 在她所在的当地学校,课外活动被繁重的学业考试所拖累,这让她感到彷徨——难道要用自己热爱的绘画和钢琴作为妥协来换取应试教育的成功么?充分理解生活平衡的重要性,通过PO的引导,Y同学学会了如何有效的管理自己的时间,这使她有了充足的时间和空间去完成课上和课外的工作。这一初步理念也使得她在申请更高学府时变得游刃有余,并且在PO导师的引导和她自己的努力下,她本人也变得活泼开朗健康大方了。 Essay brainstorming and polishing aside, the biggest personal challenge for Y was in major selection. Driven by the need to inspire and influence, she was naturally drawn to learning about Communications, Public Relations and Marketing but knew very little of what these entailed beyond what her parents mentioned off-hand. Compounding this confusion was her family’s hope she would study Business or Economics, despite having little previous experience. PO had many an earnest conversation regarding major choice, careers offered and the sovereignty she held, ultimately concluding she would follow a happy medium, as her passions were crucial in deciding, yes, but it was critical to remain open to all possibilities. 除了怎么样雕琢自己的论文外,Y同学的最大挑战无异于如何选择合适的专业。在创造力和影响力的驱使下,她选择了传媒专业,公共关系专业和市场营销学专业,但她本人对这些学科知之甚少,而且她的在父母没有任何从商的经验的情况下,本希望她选择商科。PO在综合了专业选择,未来就业和个人倾向后,给了她最权威的指导,对Y来讲快乐和热情虽然对最终决定至关重要,但更重要的是有一颗接纳更多可能性的心。 As Y heads off to college, we are confident that she has been inspired and equipped by PO with the necessary skills to succeed in every possible endeavor. 随着Y同学步入大学,我们相信她会带着PO人传承的良好素质迈向成功。 欢迎访问启德教育美国留学欢迎咨询启德教育留学顾问 如果您有兴趣留学美国,启德教育可以帮到您。在启德各分公司都有专业的教育顾问,能够根据您的个人情况,为您制定个性化的留学方案,为您的留学计划提速并保驾护航。您可以通过如下几种方式联络我们: 1.致电启德教育客户服务中心 400-1010-123,预约专业教育顾问免费规划留学美国的方案。 2.点击这里 开启网络咨询窗口,预约专业教育顾问免费规划留学美国的方案。 3.同时,您还可以通过填写下面的预约信息表,完成预约。 注意:在预约完成后,顾问老师通常会在1-3个工作日内与您联络约定来访时间,请保持手机畅通。
