
  • 留学院校
  • 2025年01月16日
  • 要说我国最为著名的自驾路线就是川藏线了。现在到了冬天很多小伙伴都想自驾川藏线,因为现在人很少。但是要注意的是冬天川藏线的难度会比较大,而且冬季空中含氧量太低,很容易高反。所以在冬天自驾川藏线的小伙伴一定要注意。 首先可以确定的是,冬天是肯定不适合自驾游川藏线的,毕竟海拔高,天气寒冷,经常下雪,路也不好走,如果不是有经验的人,还真的不建议冬季自驾游川藏线。 冬天的川藏线很危险 川藏线地势险峻





川藏线地势险峻、路况复杂,过了康定每天都在海拔3500米以上的公路行驶,其中要翻越海拔在4000米以上的雪山10座,海拔5000以上的雪山两座。要跨越7条以上的大江,无数不知名的小河。winter self-drive on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is very dangerous, so it's not recommended.


从人自身身体说吧,winter high-altitude sun will be stronger, scenery beautiful but oxygen content lower in air, dry and big temperature difference between day and night, will make tourists more uncomfortable due to high altitude reaction. Such environment requires improving personal acclimatization ability, especially for first-time visitors to Tibet.

Again from entering Tibet road said that the southern route of Qinghai-Tibet Highway is relatively better than other routes. However, as soon as winter comes, icy roads become harder to navigate. Ensure anti-skid chains are fitted; check your vehicle daily before departure for leaks or water damage; ensure tire pressure is adequate; oil levels sufficient enough to reach the next fuel station; and spare tires are in good condition - these seemingly minor details can prove crucial.

Do not drive at night! Even experienced drivers avoid it.

Winter vehicle overnighting may cause brake pads to freeze with moisture or ice affecting braking efficiency; do not drive while fatigued lest you lose focus.

Keep track of latest road conditions along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and prepare for emergencies accordingly.

Best Season for Self-Drive on Qinghai-Tibet Highway

Every year from late November until early February, most parts of the highway are covered by snow and ice. After March begins when many people start their journey towards Tibet gradually after 11th month end till early 12th month go ahead with caution in mind & cherish every moment safely always first priority
