
  • 留学院校
  • 2025年01月07日
  • 一提到泸沽湖,我的印象中便是云南丽江泸沽湖,其实泸沽湖位于云南与四川的交界,从四川盐源到泸沽湖的路比较难走,这些年来大多的游客都是从丽江的方向去泸沽湖,因此相当一部分人一直以为泸沽湖是云南的著名景区,按照景区面积两省各占一半,要单论湖水水面面积的话,云南更多一些。 我在那片古老而神秘的地方深有感慨,那里的摩梭人至今仍然保留着母系氏族婚姻制度,独特的“阿夏”婚姻、自然而原始的民俗风情





有一种“小溪汇入大湖”的既视感,有了草海才有今天泸沽湖清澈的lake water, grass sea is the important ecological balance system of Liqiu Lake. There is an ancient bridge on the grass sea, called Walk Marriage Bridge, where the original Mosuo people date each other.

While talking about which one is more beautiful in terms of scenery, from Lijiang to Liqiu Lake just entering the scenic spot ticket gate of Yunnan Liqiu Lake scenic area, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Liqiu Lake. The view here is very open, with blue lake water and sky and green trees around the lake shore as well as beautiful landscape of Ridge Peninsula all in sight.

Liqiu Lake's fame owes much to Ridge Peninsula Observation Deck. You may see most pictures taken there when searching for Liqiu Lake online.

Actually going to Liquiu Lake does not need any reason at all; actually, beauty of Liquiu Lake goes beyond what I've mentioned earlier. Springtime sees flowers blooming everywhere; summer brings colorful sunsets; autumn presents beautiful juniper flowers; winter displays snow-covered landscapes - each one is a stunning painting that amazes people worldwide.

No matter whether it's Yunnan or Sichuan province - they are both part of our China - which side do you think has more fun or better scenery?
