
  • 留学院校
  • 2024年12月31日
  • 本文深入探讨了英国留学考研的排名标准,旨在为有意向前往英国深造的同学提供一份详尽的指南。首先,我们将介绍英国留学体系的基本结构和教育优势,然后分析英国留学考试的具体排名标准以及对不同层次学生所需达到的要求。最后,我们将总结出一个大致框架,为读者提供一个全面的视角。 一、英国留学体系 1.1 英国留学体系概述 作为世界上最著名的教育中心之一,英国拥有悠久而辉煌的历史




1.1 英国留学体系概述


1.2 英国教育体系之优势

首先,British higher education boasts a rich history, with many of the world's most prestigious universities located here, including Oxford and Cambridge. These institutions have produced some of the most influential thinkers, scientists, and writers in history.

其次,Britain offers a relatively flexible approach to academic study, allowing students to choose their courses freely according to their interests and aptitudes. This flexibility is highly valued by students from around the world who seek personalized learning experiences.

Finally, Britain's strong economy provides numerous opportunities for graduates to find employment after completing their studies. In particular, its financial and banking sectors are among the best in the world.

二、Britain’s Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) Ranking Standards

2.1 RAE Ranking Criteria

The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), now replaced by REF (Research Excellence Framework), is used to evaluate research quality at British universities across various disciplines. The exercise uses a grading system that ranges from 4* (the highest grade) down to unclassified submissions.

A grade indicates work of outstanding quality; B grade represents high-quality research; C grade signifies good-quality research; D grade denotes satisfactory research; E represents unsatisfactory research while U stands for uncategorizable submissions or those not deemed worthy of assessment.

2.2 RAE Ranking Requirements

For undergraduate students seeking admission into British universities via A-levels or equivalent qualifications:

For top-tier universities: an A*-A* at A-levels or equivalent;

For middle-tier universities: an A*-B at A-levels or equivalent;

For lower-tier universities: a B-B at A-levels or equivalent;

For postgraduate applicants:

Master’s degree holders typically need either an upper-second class honors degree (or first-class honors if they wish to apply for more competitive programs);

Doctoral candidates usually require a master’s degree as well as excellent grades on previous academic records.


In conclusion, understanding how your performance compares within these criteria can help you make informed decisions about which UK university would be best suited for your needs based on specific requirements set forth by each institution and individual departments within them respectively so you know what it takes both academically speaking but also financially before applying there – all this will give us clarity over whether we should pursue further education abroad specifically through these channels!

So let me ask you - do any questions remain unanswered? Do you want more information about anything else? Let me know!
