
  • 留学院校
  • 2024年12月19日
  • 在英国留学热门专业领域中,商科类专业一直都是备受中国留学生们所青睐的。那么2019年英国大学商科类专业的录取标准是怎么样的?国际学生想要申请英国顶尖商学院的入学要求是什么? 对于开设众多商科的英国大学,一般只有获得“三重认证”的商学院,才可称为一流商学院。那什么是商学院的“三重认证”呢?三重认证,又称三冠认证,是指同时被AMBA、AASCB、EQUIS所认证的商学院。AACSB、AMBA




目前,在全球13000多家商学院中,只有70余家获得了三重认证。哄哄的英国大学 商学院当然在其列,英国占据了20余个席位。那2019年具体哪些学校获得了这一殊荣呢?

伦敦城市大学卡斯 商院

在 商科 领域,卡斯 商院 一直享有盛誉。不论是在最能体现 商院 综合实力的MBA和EMBA排名,或是在热门专业金融和管理硕士排名,卡斯 商院 都能达到 英国TOP5 的水平。


卡斯 Commercial Law School 的师资团队也很强大,有很多教师都具有哈佛 Business School、沃顿 Business School、伦敦 Business School等世界知名大学背景。


曼彻斯特工商管理研究生课程,以其卓越教学质量和深厚实力而闻名于世,被誉为世界上最好的 工程 管理 研究生项目之一。





伯明翰大學Business School

伯明翰Business School 是英國領先的人口普查調查機構CensusWide合作伙伴之一,也是歐洲最大的人口普查調研機構之一。

帝国理工School of Management & Finance

帝国理工School of Management & Finance 是帝国理工(UCL)的一个分支机构,该校拥有超过150年的历史,是位于欧洲最古老也是最著名的心理学研究所之一,同时也是当今世界上顶尖的心理学研究单位之一。

利兹大學Leeds University Business School

利兹University Business School 在会计与金融领域取得巨大成就,并成为全英最佳企业财务分析师(CFA)资格考试通过率最高的业务学校。

8 杜倫大學Durham University Business Schools

杜倫University Durham is one of the world's oldest universities, with a rich history dating back to the year 1832.

以上就是关于2019年几所UK Top Universities' business schools' acceptance criteria and requirements for international students in China, as well as their unique features and strengths in different fields such as finance, accounting, management and more.

According to data analysis from various sources including university rankings and student reviews, here are some key insights into the typical admission requirements for these top-tier business schools:

1 . London City University Cass Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance:

The school has a strong reputation for its MBA program which ranks among the top five in UK.

The school offers courses like Financial Mathematics and Investment Analysis that are highly regarded by employers.

For admission to Cass Faculty of Actuarial Science & Insurance at London City University, applicants typically need an overall IELTS score not less than 7 (with no band below 6), or equivalent English proficiency test results.

2 . Manchester Metropolitan University Alliance Manchester Business School:

This prestigious institution is known for its excellent teaching quality and deep-rooted research capacity.

It offers a range of undergraduate degrees including Accounting & Finance BSc(Hons) which has been ranked No1 nationally by Guardian league tables.

For admission to Alliance Manchester Business School at Manchester Metropolitan University, applicants typically need an overall IELTS score not less than 6 (with no band below 5), or equivalent English proficiency test results.

3 . Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh Napier Busines
