

Anaheim, Cali:生活必需品$34,621,自由支出$20,773,存款$13,849,舒适生活所需收入$69,243。2017年初,Anaheim中层家庭年收入为558400美元。根据最新的人口普查数据,Anaheim现在的中层家庭年收入为60752美元,只有比去年的增长了约2.5%,但同期房屋价格上涨了22%。

Honolulu 生活必需品:$37,849 自由支出:$22,709存款:$15,140舒适地生活需要的收入:75698美元夏威夷的生活成本高昂,也是退休人员最糟糕的居住州之一。但Honolulu居民几乎达到了理想水平。中间层家庭年收入74460美元,只比舒适生活所需少1千238元。

Arlington,Texas 生活必需品:23,210 自由支出:13.926 存款:9.284 舒适地生活需要的收入:46.420(从2016下降484元) 在这次研究中有七个德克萨斯城市,其中Arlington是我们名单上的第一个。在形成的大都会区域Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington之内,Arlington是最便宜的地方。Arlington中间层家庭年收入53.326美元,比舒适生活所需产生了近7000元盈余。

New Orleans 生活必需品:31.001 自由支出18.601 存款12.401 舒适地生活需要的收入62.003(从2016增加1221元) 当与其他城市相比时,New Orleans的人均寿命很低。中间层家庭年收入36.792美元,因此大部分人的工资几乎不足以轻松地生存只能满足基本需求。

Wichita,Kan 生活必需品21.822 自由支出13-093 存款8-729 舒适地生活需要43-644(从2016增加3028元) Wichita的费用很低,但住房成本正在上升虽然仍然相对便宜,但自去年以来租金已经上涨17%以上。中间层家庭每年的收益45-947美元虽然不多,但Wichita低廉住房让人们能享受一种舒缓体验。

Tulsa,Oklahoma 生活必需品25-110 自由支出15-066 存款10-044 舒适地生活需要50,-220 Tulsa中的平均家长每年的收益42284美镑,与舒心度日所要求金额差距8000美镑实际上,这个城镇在这个名单上的公用事业和医疗费用的开销最高。

Minneapolis 生活必需品32,-302 自由支出19,-382 存款12,-921 舒適度日要49、605 美镑(從2016增加435美金) 中間層家長每年的收益51、480 美镑,比理想性質還差64%,這就意味著還缺少一年額外加12500 美金才能更輕鬆一些生存下去

Oakland,Ca Life necessities $40k+ in the Bay Area? How much do you need to live comfortably? A recent study found that living in the Golden State is expensive - especially for those who want a comfortable life style.

According to the study's findings:

Living expenses in Oakland are $40k+, and

The average household income is $54k

So how much money do you need to live comfortably in Oakland?

Based on this data it seems that an additional 20k would be needed.

This article will explore what it takes to live comfortably in other cities around the country as well.

From affordable options like Arlington Texas where the median household income is over 70k and housing costs are relatively low.

To more expensive areas like San Francisco where even high earners may struggle with affording a home.

Living Comfortably In America: What It Really Costs

In order to determine what it really costs to live comfortably across different parts of America we looked at various factors such as housing costs (rent or mortgage), food expenses (groceries and dining out), transportation (car payments or public transit) and utilities (electricity water gas).

We also considered taxes which can vary widely depending on location.

The following table provides some information about these factors:

| City | Median Household Income | Housing Costs | Food Expenses | Transportation Costs | Utilities Cost | Taxes |


| Anaheim CA | 60K + ($58K) | Rent/Mortgage: 30% of HH Income ($18K) + Property Tax/Insurance ($4K)| Groceries/Dining Out: $5K + Food Delivery/Takeout ($500)| Car Payment/Parking Fees/Gasoline/Oil Changes/Etc.: $3K + Public Transit Passes/Fare Cards/Bike Rentals/Etc.: $200|$2K + Electricity/Water/Gas/Sewer/Waste Management/Etc.: $1,$500|$300-$400|

Here are some specific numbers for each city mentioned earlier:

