DAY3 锡林郭勒盟-东乌旗距离:约242公里,预计时间:13小时左右。住宿:浦盖酒店西林乐兵团小镇兵团,是内蒙古锡林郭勒盟东北部当年农村知青点,《狼图腾》电影拍摄基地。
DAY5 锡林郭勒盟-赤峰市距离:约231km,预计用时:12小时左右。住宿:克什克腾旗塞外港湾 贡格草原,位于科什克腾旗境内,是距离北京最近的内蒙古草原,融自然风光、蒙古族风情于一体。
从图木舒克到北京青年湖公园路线详情,从起点向正东方向出发,行驶160米,左转进入南京街。沿南京街行驶100米,右转。用时1分钟 沿东莞北路行驶40米,右转进入小海子东街。
1.DAY3 林郭勒盟-锡林郭勒盟距离:约242公里预计时间:13小时左右。住宿同上。
2DAY5 锡 林 郭 勒 盟 - 赤 峰 市 距离 : 约 231 km 预 计 用 时: 12 小 时 左 右 住 宿 同 上
3全程自驾游,从25日上午从北京出发,一天下午抵达锡 林 九 曲 再 前往 浩 特 市 区 和 贝 子 庙 后 在 达 里 湖 南 岸 景 区 度 一 晚 回 京
8.Day5, from Xilingol League to Chifeng City, the distance is approximately 231 kilometers and takes around 12 hours to travel.
9.From Putian to Beijing Youth Lake Park Route Details: From the starting point, head east for about 160 meters and turn left into Nanjing Street; then drive north on Nanjing Street for about 100 meters before turning right; finally, continue onto Dongguan North Road for another nine kilometers before turning right into Xiaohezi East Street.
10.The entire self-driving journey starts at dawn on the twenty-fifth day of a month in Beijing and ends with a visit to Dari Lake in Inner Mongolia's Xilin Gol League region before returning back home.
11.Route One begins in Beijing at Eight Great Wall Pass and travels through Zhangjiakou County's Zhangbei Town via G207 National Highway to reach Inner Mongolia's Xilin Gol League region; after passing through Hohhot City and Alashan Left Banner, it reaches Arxan City via the Inner Mongolian Great Loop road network within two days of driving time.
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