
  • 留学生活
  • 2024年11月13日
  • 爸爸在下面撞我写着作业全文,我刚开始专心致志地赶紧完成我的家庭作业,突然听到脚步声响起,一股寒意从背后直涌上来。我猛然一转头,只见爸爸那严肃的脸庞出现在我眼前,他的手已经伸进了我的书包里,想要找到那个让他不高兴的东西。 “啊!”我惊叫了一声,赶紧把书本合上,用手护住那些未经审视的作业纸张。爸爸虽然没有立即动手,但他的眼神中透露出一种不容置疑的决断,那种让我无言以对、只能低下头去的感觉。







“复杂?!” dads face changed from calm to stern, "You're not doing your homework on time! That's not what I want to see."

I felt my heart sink, knowing that he was right. But I couldn't tell him the truth about how hard it was for me to understand this particular subject.

"Let me see," he said firmly, and took the book out of my hands. His eyes scanned the pages quickly before stopping at a certain point.

"You've been avoiding this topic," he accused, his voice firm but controlled. "It's not just about being difficult; it's about facing challenges head-on."

I looked down again, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. He was right; I had been putting off this task because it seemed too daunting.

"I'll try harder," I promised, looking up at him with determination in my eyes.

He nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on his lips. "That's all anyone can ask for."

