
  • 留学生活
  • 2024年11月09日
  • 在一个深夜的森林里,一名年轻的旅行者躺在了一片茂盛的野草上,周围是无数星辰闪烁着银白色的光芒。突然,他听到了远处传来低沉而又温暖的声音,那是一群狼正在讨论他们今晚的猎物分布。而就在这时,旅行者感到自己的身体被一种强烈的情感所包围,那是一种与生俱来的恐惧和敬畏。 wolves howl in the distance, their haunting melodies echoing through



wolves howl in the distance, their haunting melodies echoing through the forest. The traveler's heart races as he tries to make sense of the strange and unfamiliar sounds. He has heard stories of wolves before, but nothing could have prepared him for this moment.

As he lies there, trying to calm his racing heart, he begins to feel a strange sensation. It's as if the wolves are drawing closer, their presence enveloping him in a warm and comforting embrace. Despite his fear, he finds himself feeling more at peace than he has in years.

The next thing he knows, the wolves are standing over him, their eyes glowing in the dark. But instead of attacking him, they simply look at him with a curious expression on their faces. They seem to be studying him, trying to understand what it is that makes this human so different from them.

And then something unexpected happens - one of the wolves gently nuzzles against his chest and closes its eyes contentedly. The others follow suit soon after and they all settle down around him like a pack of furry pillows.



