贵州省最佳自驾游路线:贵州旅游路线推荐 大、小七孔、黄果树大瀑布—多彩贵州清凉自驾游推荐理由:即便是酷夏时节,这条线route全程气温不超过25度。一road上溪流戏水,大河漂流,钻瀑布,走溶洞,体验十足的清凉水世界。
贵阳—六盘水这条line适合周末self-drive出行,从贵阳出发,沿途欣赏黔西乌江源百里画廊的秀丽风光,walk进织金洞的天然溶洞,再去六盘水的乌蒙大草原look at草原牧色。
最佳recommended road line one: Road line: 桂阳(花溪公园, 青岩古镇, 甲秀楼) - 安顺(天龙屯堡, 龙宫, 黄果树瀑布, 天星桥) - 兴义(万峰林马岭河)
Recommended reason: From the geographical position point of view, this road line is quite compact.
It also lists the best places to go in these three places.
Following are the 12 best travel routes in Guizhou province.
Interested friends come and see them!
Today we're going to take a look at five days off self-driving tour in Guizhou,
Wanting to eat well and play well has got to go this way!
9.Guangxi Province Best Self-Drive Tour Routes
10.The top 10 most beautiful natural landscapes in China's Guangxi Province