
  • 留学攻略
  • 2024年11月30日
  • 我曾经怀揣着追求更好机会和平台的梦想,选择了出国留学。英国和澳洲虽然吸引人,但美国的成熟体制和市场让我最终选择了费城。两年即将结束,这不仅仅是学习生活的结束,而是一个全新的开始。我在这里回顾那些年里发生的小事,大事,以及深刻体会到的点滴。这段经历,或许不是最精彩或最艰难的一段,但它无疑是我的人生中一个重要节点。 我感受最深的是孤独。在美国,一切都是安静的,没有喧嚣的大街,也没有热闹的夜市






离开家园,你才能真正意识到家的意义,以及祖国强大的意义。这让我意识到了必须改变自己的行为。大部分留学生不能适应这段孤独岁月中磨砺自己学会独立生活。大概从那时起,我学会定期打扫房间,看一些喜欢的媒体作品,练习游泳网球,与社交活动保持联系,与职场人士更多交流。我发现我越来越能适应这个人的生活。这不同于以往那种快乐来自于朋友聚会父母陪伴安全舒适的声音听闻演讲后的兴奋现在更多的是通过挑战今天老板沟通方法找到了可以帮助我的机会方法克服懒惰坚持健身面对伤心情绪能够更好地理解排解情绪更多的是不是在熟悉环境接受赞美而是完全陌生的环境寻找自己的价值这是一种抽象东西或者说更多是一个心理建设却能建立起强大的自信直到现在我还不知道这样的慢慢学会独立精神今后如何反馈给我但我可以感觉这是留学带给我最重要改变它让我从一个滔滔不绝的人变为更加懂得倾听即便不依赖别人也能把事情做好学会给生活内容加法减少心理负担学会更加独立思考依靠自己的判断当然这一点可能是最佳收益点也是风险所在因为见过太多学生根本克服不了这个问题虚度光阴错失良机其实本质就是耽误了I also encountered some first-generation immigrants and students who came to study abroad at a young age, they did not have the ability to lead themselves, I realized that if there was no family member to accompany them, it would not be recommended. The learning process itself brings joy of thinking, unfortunately many times our learning methods and processes are ineffective or inefficient. We spend a lot of time and energy but without good leadership skills and methods only become exam machines. This is the deep-rooted impression we Chinese students leave on foreign people. I used to be trapped in the wrong consciousness of overemphasizing grades and scores but gradually through life experiences and various practical activities with work experience during my stay here I became aware that this is our biggest mistake many situations are caused by this high school entrance examination dominated educational system we ignore the joy of learning itself having something gained something thought having something understood is most important while problems or answers right or wrong are just carriers forms.

One course taught by my professor left a deep impression on me. He constantly required us to interact with him during class, make speeches, express opinions & comments even sometimes forcing us into anger when all classmates were silent then resulting in us having to follow his rhythm closely otherwise being pointed out unable to answer then doomed In addition through one semester's training I found that actually received the greatest gain because he made you truly realize when you understand & grasp this knowledge content you will definitely have your own judgment & thoughts even though incorrect superficial however through further feedback you will discover new questions existing again for further discussion So it's a mutual process where teachers also expect your feedback which gives you more motivation While this thinking & feedback ability is highly valued in American job culture You must inquire clearly what you're doing as well as communicate effectively with immediate feedback able timely discover problems improve work efficiency This point is highly valued in American job culture I experienced deeply in multiple internships He isn't asking you do things blindly he needs timely communication & feedback Good interaction actually becomes an important factor for promotion It also makes work more interesting full of human touch...