
  • 留学攻略
  • 2024年07月10日
  • 加州大学欧文分校最近因撤销500份新生录取而成为焦点。在饱受指责之后,该校校长于周三公开表示,此前被撤销录取的学生大部分将最终被录取。 加州大学欧文分校此前否认撤销录取与实际新生数量超预期多达800人有关,尽管很多人认为撤销录取完全是学校的责任。很多被撤销录取的学生被指未能按时提交全部材料,而在过去几年类似情况则不会导致这么多的录取被撤销。 该校校长Howard Gillman在公开信中表示


该校校长Howard Gillman在公开信中表示,“学校此前撤销了几百个学生的录取,击碎了他们的美国梦,不仅令人心碎,同时是不可接受的。”校长表示,被撤销录取的新生将被录取,除非他们的最终成绩单明确显示他们没有达到学校录取的学术标准。这些标准包括:高中最后一年没有D或者F;高中最后一年的GPA达到3.0;符合加州大学系统的录取要求;提交所需要的其他考试成绩。如SAT、ACT等。
Irvine, Calif., Aug. 2, 2017 — Chancellor Howard Gillman is issuing the following statement regarding current admissions issues at the University of California, Irvine:
The stories of our students whose college dreams were crushed by our decision to withdraw admissions to hundreds of students are heartbreaking. And unacceptable.
This process is not working. We are a university recognized for advancing the American Dream, not impeding it. This situation is rocking us to our core because it is fundamentally misaligned with our values.
I must step in and change our direction. Effective immediately, all students who received provisional acceptances into UCI will be fully admitted, except those whose transcripts clearly indicate that they did not meet our academic standards. Those standards are: No Ds or Fs their senior year; a senior-year grade point average of at least 3.0; completion of all A-G requirements outlined by the University of California; and required test scores as indicated on the students’ admission portals.
Even for students whose transcripts show that these requirements were not met, we will establish an expedited process to allow students to make the case for extenuating circumstances, and otherwise will work with students to identify other possible pathways into the university.
We’re trying to understand how we under-estimated the number of students who planned to enroll this fall. We’re also trying to understand why we chose to notify students in an insensitive way or couldn’t answer their telephone calls adequately. I intend to find out so this will never happen again. I directed our internal auditor to review the admissions process and suggest areas for improvement. I plan to have a preliminary report within 60 days.
In closing, the students and their families have my personal, sincerest apology. We should not have treated you this way over a missed deadline.
We will welcome all of our wonderful students who worked so hard to satisfy the requirements for UCI admission, and as we move forward we will do everything we can to earn the trust and loyalty of our community.