【前言】5月21日,澳洲八大之一——昆士兰大学宣布,从2014年起大批本科专业将开始接受中国高考成绩。沪江网记者为此采访了昆士兰大学国际部中国区经理Lee Henshaw先生,对计划使用高考成绩申请昆士兰大学的同学提出了建议和期待。
昆士兰大学,以其卓越的教育质量和研究水平,在全球范围内享有盛誉。它是QS世界大学排名第43位、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第63位以及经济家杂志全球MBA排名第14位的优秀高校。作为澳大利亚八大名校创始者之一,以及UNIVERSITAS 21澳大利亚唯一三所成员之一,它在多个领域拥有“世界级”科研成果,是获得最多ERA(Excellence in Research for Australia)殊荣及澳大利亚教育部学习与教学办公室(Office for Learning and Teaching)杰出教学奖项的领军学校。
As a University ranked consistently in the top 3 Universities in Australia UQ is proud to announce its decision to accept the GaoKao for a large number of its Undergraduate programs from 2014. The decision was made this year after a number of reviews indicated the acceptance of the Gao Kao would benefit both Chinese students who in the past could not enter and also attract top quality Chinese students to The University. UQ recognize Chinese students as having a strong academic ability, particularly in theoretical subjects such as Maths and Sciences.
UQ’s current scores are for 2014/15 entry in Australia and will be revised for the 2015 Gao Kao and 2015/16 entry. 昆大认为,作为中国全国高校入学考试,Gao Kao测试体系可以直接接收达到规定分数的中国考生进入UQ Bachelor programs提供他们达到了要求。这一决定不仅会使原来无法申请UQ学生受益,而且能吸引优质生源。
The Gao Kao students are open to apply to most programs in Business, Arts, Engineering, Science. There are some Health and Clinical Sciences courses, Gao Kao students cannot apply for as these are graduate entry programs and thus students from other countries and entrance exams including Australia, UK are also not eligible to enter directly.
As UQ is a top ranking University in Australia, many of the Gao Kao requirements represent that of Tier one provincial scores in China. UQ’s current scores are for 2014/15 entry in Australia and will be revised for the 2015 Gao K aoand
通过这一举措,昆士兰大学向更多有抱负的中国青年开放了 cánh door,使他们能够在国际化的大环境中实现自我价值。这是一个巨大的机遇,也是一次全新的挑战。我们相信,这样的合作将为双方带来更加丰富的人文交流与知识传播,让我们的未来更加辉煌。