
  • 澳洲留学
  • 2024年12月14日
  • 英国留学时,学生需了解资金入境规定,以确保安全出行和留学期间的财务安全。根据英国金融服务管理局的规定,学生可以携带多10万英镑现金入境,并且可以自由支配。此外,学生还可以通过其他合法方式携带外币入境,比如以投资或旅游为名购买外币。在携带外币时,需要注意遵守当地法律法规,并在出入境时报关。 Britain's Financial Services Authority has clearly



Britain's Financial Services Authority has clearly stated the limits on funds brought into the country for students. They are allowed to carry up to £100,000 in cash, which they can use freely.

Besides cash, students can also bring foreign currency into the country, but they must declare it when entering or leaving and ensure that the amount does not exceed £100,000.

When preparing to leave and enter the country, students need to prepare valid passports, visas, and proof of the source of their funds for customs inspection.

Students should carefully check their identity documents and finances before traveling to avoid being robbed or affected by other unsafe factors during transit.

During their studies abroad, students can apply locally to address financial issues more securely.

While studying in Britain, students must comply with local laws and regulations as well as school rules regarding related study activities to ensure their safety.

The above content shared by Study Abroad Time Network is about how much money British universities allow international students to bring into the country for living expenses while studying abroad. If you have any further questions about studying abroad or other related topics, feel free to leave a message or contact our editor!
