时间: 5月16日(星期五) 20:00 - 21:00 活动地点:CCTalk留学大厅 () 主讲老师:主持人: klxp 悉尼的知名建筑远远不只是悉尼歌剧院。来到澳大利亚学习建筑,也一定不能错过悉尼大学。悉尼大学成立于1850年,是澳洲最早的大学。建筑系成立于1919年,在澳亚地区是建立较早的建筑院系。1990年,建筑系正式确立建筑、规划与艺术设计三大学科和领域。 名师简介: Prof. John Redmond, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning 约翰。雷德蒙教授,建筑设计规划学院院长 Professor John Redmond commenced as Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning on the 30th of August 2010, bringing a wealth of experience in University management and academic leadership. In 1994, Professor Redmond was the Foundation Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design at Monash University Prior to moving to Monash, Professor Redmond was the Foundation Head of Industrial Design at the University of New South Wales He was a member of the Design Committee for the Sydney Olympic Games and was one of a select few designers appointed as a delegate to the Federal Government. 课程提纲: 一、悉尼大学总体介绍 二、悉尼大学的建筑学院及专业 三、如何选择建筑相关专业 四、建筑专业的就业情况 请注意!参与本活动须使用沪江全新语音学习软件CCTalk,使用指南如下: